For Outdoor Gear Consider The
Tactical Concealed Carry Fanny Pack
Waterproof Waist Pack Running and Travel Pouch
Not just your average waist pack or fanny pack, the XG-WP1 is waterproof and great when you don't have a whole lot to carry. This is all you need for outdoors sports such as camping, running, cycling, jogging, hiking, traveling and the gym. Offers a headphone/audio hole for those who like listening to music when running or other activities.
Key Features
- Waterproof - Constructed of durable waterproof nylon to help protect your gear
- Plenty of Storage - Three zipper pockets to safely store your belongings (money, phone, passport, cards, MP3, etc.)
- Multi-functional - Designed for a shoulder sling, chest/back sling or waist carry bag
- Adjustable Straps - The durable waist straps are fully adjustable so you can get the perfect fit
- Compact Design - Small, sleek and lightweight to safety help prevent pickpockets
- Versatile: Ideal as a jogging belt, running belt, running pouch, cycling belt, race belt, fitness belt, travel fanny pack or sports fanny pack
Product Size:
Dimensions: 12 x 4.75 in (32 x 12 cm)
Waste Band Circumference: Adjustable from 20-31 in (52-80 cm)
Product Weight:
2 oz. (0.05 kg)
Package Includes:
1 x Waist Bag